What does Go!Animate do? Go!Animate allows you to easily make your own animations. You create animations straight from the web page. That means no downloading of software. You don’t have to start from scratch in Go!Animate. You are provided various characters, prebuilt character actions, sound clips, music, movable props, and backgrounds for your animations. If you don’t like what you see, create your own by uploading your photos. Movie effects like zoom, pan, and black and white, are just a few of many offered. Four different audio tracks can be layered in animations. It allows you to record your voice on a telephone to upload animations. Animations can be embedded to YouTube, twitter, facebook, and even blogs. Go!Animate allows you to create an emessage. Go!Animate has Go bucks currency. Go bucks can be earned or purchased. Go bucks are used for unlocking special characters and features in Go!Animate. 250 words does not do Go!Animate justice. So much more can be said about it.
How would you use it in education? Students could create their own animations on various topics. Go!Animate could be used to sell an idea to someone using humor. It could be shown in a portfolio to get a job. It can be shared with other teachers. I could teach my beginning of the year classroom management and procedures with animations instead of lecture.
What are the perks of upgrading? I’ve paid $58 for the 1-year upgrade. This is why I did it: theme mixing, no limit on animation length, video upload, no ads, instant message multiple people, and 3000 Go bucks. The number one reason I upgraded was so I can upload my own backgrounds, faces, and props. The extra effort to customize it will make it more entertaining and relevant to my audience.
What an amazing Web 2.0 tool! I could see this tool being used in multiple ways in education. Students could re-create a story they read, create a how-to video, a vocabulary video, a commercial or so much more. Students will be more receptive to creating a cartoon than a research paper. I will be using this tool for sure!